Vasudeva Temple

Vasudeva Temple

In this temple is a Deity of Lord Narasimha, which is selfmanifested from a shaligram-shila. He is about 25cm (10 in) highand remarkably detailed, sitting in a lotus position. To the rightof LordNarasimha are Sita, Rama, Hanuman, and Garuda.Against the left wall is a deity of Chandika, which is anothername for Kali.On the altar to…

Adi Guru Sankaracharya ji maharj

Adi Guru Sankaracharya ji maharj

Adi guru Shankara charya (Sanskrit: Adishankaracharyah) was a great philosopher and religious leader of India. He provided a solid foundation to Advaita Vedanta. His commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Vedantasutras are very famous. He refuted the primacy of the Sankhya philosophy and the knowledge-karma-consolidationism of the Mimamsa philosophy. According to tradition, he was…

NarasinhaTemple – Joshimth

NarasinhaTemple – Joshimth

In this temple is a Deity of Lord Narasimha, which is selfmanifested from a shaligram-shila. He is about 25cm (10 in) highand remarkably detailed, sitting in a lotus position. To the rightof LordNarasimha are Sita, Rama, Hanuman, and Garuda.Against the left wall is a deity of Chandika, which is anothername for Kali.On the altar to…